a bit about me:

Jeff Clendenning - jeffc.art
Hi! My name is Jeff Clendenning. Welcome to my educational and art portfolio site.
I am a veteran game developer and college art teacher. I am currently teaching full-time as a Game Art Professor at Norco College. I also freelance as concept artist/ art director for the entertainment industry and an illustrator for various gaming and book publishers.
I earned my Single Subject Teaching Credential in Art through California State University, Long Beach in 2020. I received my Career Technical Education (CTE) credential, with two authorizations, in 2021: Art, Media and Entertainment, & Information and Communication Technology. In 2016 I earned my Master of Fine Arts in Painting from Laguna College of Art and Design and I earned my Bachelor of Science in Game Art and Design from the Art Institute, in 2004. In addition, I have fifteen years of experience as an art director/concept artist for the entertainment industry with thirteen overlapping years of experience teaching art at the college level. Beyond my career, I have been a volunteer mentor for the youth over the last two decades.
Please have a look at my teaching philosophy, CV, and portfolio to gain a better idea of my experience and motivations. Thank you for your interest! I look forward to meeting you.